Subject: HUGE Peeks, Pokes, chart & MORE Author: Scott Teresi Uploaded By: SirPrize I Date: 6/9/1993 File: PROGRAMMING.SHK (34497 bytes) Estimated Download Time (61366 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 197 Equipment: any Apple II Needs: An AppleWorks WP file reader (like DOGPAW or ProTerm OS: ProDOS FILE TYPE: Text ----------------- A 13-page (15 cpi) gigantic chart containing all peeks, pokes, calls, etc. that I've ever come across in the past two years! Helpful memory maps, command lists, hints, etc. for BASIC and assembly language programmers alike. Hundreds (literally) of addresses listed, decimal and hex. Really, a must for any programmer. (Needs AppleWorks and ShrinkIt.) Use ShrinkIt to unpack. Added note from Scott: Subj: Please leave comments! Dear fellow downloader, I have compiled these programming charts for handy reference and will continue to improve them. If you can refer me to any books or further lists of Peeks and Pokes, I will be glad to add them to my chart and upload a revision. Remember, I will be overjoyed if you send any comment or suggestion you might to have! Thanks. (Incidentally, check out the "Computer Evolution" chart found in the double hi-res graphics forum!)